Our Story

Since 1993 Northparkes has been celebrated for our high-quality copper deposits, low cost operations and loyal, committed people.

Northparkes is a joint venture between Evolution Mining (80%) and the Sumitomo Groups (20%).

Mining has been taking place at Northparkes for over 25 years. Our current Environmental Assessment allows operations until 2032 – our vision is to operate for ‘A century of mining together’.

We were the first mine in Australia to use the highly efficient block cave mining method, now used in several mines throughout the country. The first full-scale production was from E26 Lift 1 block cave in 1997.

In 2006, we began construction of a new block cave mine on the E48 copper and gold deposit with production officially commencing in September 2010. In 2016 we began production from the E26 Sub-Level Cave. Construction of E26 lift 1 North commenced in 2019, and production began in February 2022.

Northparkes is proud to be a farmer as well as a miner owning approximately 10,314 ha of land in Central West NSW. Mining operations occupy 1,630 ha and the remaining area operates as a commercial agricultural and logistics operation.